How does OpenAI's Team member account work?

Some of our products require access to Intuitive Code's workspace at OpenAI; therefore, we grant you access while your subscription is valid. Kindly note that Intuitive Code did not increase the pricing of its products, nor has it launched add-ons intending to increase sales. You can learn more about OpenAI's Team plan on their site. As a valuable client, we suggest you read their frequently asked questions and answers section at this link.

Access your ChatGPT Team member account.

Please follow the easy-to-use steps to access Intuitive Code's workspace at OpenAI.

  • Click on the OpenAI invitation link, which they send you by email
  • Log in at this link

That's all! Welcome!

Intuitive Code at OpenAI


While you can use a ChatGPT Team account with the features listed on their website, you are prohibited from inviting others. Doing so will result in the immediate termination of your account.