How do I get AI Trading Signals and Premium Support in the Zoom Workspace?

To access AI trading signals and receive premium support from Intuitive Code through an exclusive Zoom Chat channel, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Free Zoom Account: Sign up for a free account at Zoom's official website.
  2. Accept the Invitation: You will receive an invitation email from Alex Vieira. Please open the email and click the "approve" button to confirm your participation. Look for a button similar to the one shown in the example below:
Click on the approve button.

3. Install Zoom on Your Devices: Download and install the Zoom app on your mobile devices to stay connected and receive real-time updates.

4. Your Private Channel: Trading Signals and Trading News: Trading signals and specific trading news will be delivered exclusively to your private channel, not through general chat. To ensure continuous access to these critical updates, please remain subscribed to your channel. It is important to note that trading news is available only in bundles, distinct from general company or service news.

By completing these steps, you will gain access to valuable insights and dedicated support directly through your Zoom workspace.