Does Intuitive Code support biometric authorization and approval?

Intuitive Code is one of the first companies in the world to support biometric approval requests, a secure and efficient method for obtaining consent or authorization from a person, where the approval is confirmed using biometric data.

Instead of traditional methods like signatures or passwords, biometric approval relies on unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, to authenticate the user's identity. This ensures higher security and reduces the risk of identity fraud or unauthorized access.

Biometric approval requests are commonly used in digital transactions, document signing, and other sensitive processes that require an extra layer of verification and trust.

How does it work?

  • Log in to your account to approve the request.
  • Biometric approval requests are published on your private chat.
  • Note that as a signer, you can only approve a biometric request with your mobile device. 
  • Once the signer approves the request, a new message will be sent to the chat, along with a PDF certificate of the approval.
  • Only you can approve. 
  • You can cancel a biometric approval request while it is still pending.